Now shopping is easier, faster and always joyous.
We help you make the best choice here. is the biggest online market platform for Dhaka City offering completely hassle-free shopping experience through secure and trusted gateways. We offer you easy and reliable shopping with all your favorite brands, local brand in Dhaka and more. provides products from all categories such as appliances, clothing, cosmetics, electronics, footwear, jewelry, health & beauty, medicine, repair service, car rent and still counting! Our collection combines the latest in fashion trends as well as the all-time favorites. Our products collections are exclusively selected for you. We have all that you need under one Platform. In consistency with the vision of Digital Bangladesh, provide service/product to the doorway over the Internet. We constantly update with lot of new products, services and special offers. We provide our customers with memorable online shopping experience. We provide on-time delivery of products and quick resolution of any concerns. You can choose whatever you like. We deliver it right at your address across Dhaka City. Our services are at your doorsteps all the time. Select the best products for you or your family with the best online marketing experience every time. You will love online marketing with Vendor terms and policy:
Each vendor must conduct business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. shall not be liable in any way if the vendor/vendors are involved in the avoid business for any reason. All his liability shall be borne by the responsible vendor.